Artiv Photo Tiles by Phototile

Does Artiv Photo Tiles ship to Australia, Canada, France, or Germany…?

Artiv Photo Tiles only ships in the United States

There is another brand “MeshCanvas. They ship photo tiles worldwide, including the following 35 countries:

Austria, Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Palau, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United StatesVietnam.

MeshCanvas also provides Amazing Photo Tile products and Free Shipping

If you are interested in it, you could check out their website or download the app for free:

Read more about Artiv Photo Tiles

How do I track my Artiv Photo Tiles orders?